6 Components of Financial Plan you need to know as a freelancer

Future of Work


Tips and practical advices

6 Components of Financial Plan you need to know as a freelancer

March 13, 2023


Amarachukwu, a gifted copywriter, crafts narratives that captivate and resonate, marking her distinction in the field.

October 4, 2023

As a freelancer, you are your own boss. You can choose your projects and clients, schedule them, and determine your income. However, with this freedom comes a certain level of financial responsibility. 

Therefore, a financial plan is essential for freelancers to ensure they can meet their financial goals and protect their assets and income. A financial plan helps freelancers stay on top of their finances, understand where to allocate resources, and plan for the future. In this blog post, we'll explore the six components of a financial plan that every freelancer should know. 

Income and Expenses

The first component of a financial plan is tracking your income and expenses. Knowing where your money is coming from and where it's going is crucial for understanding your financial situation. 

As a freelancer, your payment may vary month-to-month, so it's vital to track it closely. Setting financial goals is also a crucial part of this component. Knowing what you want to achieve financially will help you make better decisions about spending and saving.


The next component of a financial plan is budgeting. Creating a budget is essential for staying on top of your finances. It will help you keep track of your income and expenses, set financial goals, and make sure you're saving enough money. Tips for sticking to a budget include setting a realistic budget, tracking your spending, and being aware of your spending habits.

Cash flow is an integral part of any business. It's a good idea to track your income and expenses regularly to ensure you have enough money to cover bills and other costs. This includes monitoring payments from clients, keeping up with invoices, and budgeting for taxes and additional charges like insurance or marketing expenses. 

Saving and Investing

Saving and investing are also important components of a financial plan. As a freelancer, it's essential to have a strategy for saving and investing your money. This can include setting up a savings account, investing in a retirement account, or putting money into a high-yield savings account. 

Building an emergency fund is also important. This fund should have enough money to cover at least three to six months of expenses in case of an emergency.

Investing should be part of every freelancer's financial plan, even if it's just putting a small amount each month into an emergency fund or retirement savings account. It's essential to diversify your investments so that you are protected if one type of investment takes a hit in the stock market or fails to produce returns that meet expectations. 

Investing can also help you generate additional income over time, which can go toward vacations or buying a home down the line. 


Insurance is another vital component of a financial plan. As a freelancer, you may have different benefits and protections than a traditional employee. 

Having adequate insurance coverage is essential for freelancers who want to protect their businesses from unexpected losses due to accidents, lawsuits, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events that could derail their businesses financially if they aren't covered adequately by insurance policies. 

Some common types of insurance policies include health insurance, liability insurance, property damage insurance, life insurance, and more, depending on what kind of work you do as a freelancer and what risks might be associated with it. 

Therefore, proper insurance to protect your assets and income is essential. This can include liability insurance, health insurance, and disability insurance.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is the final component of a financial plan. As a freelancer, you may not have a traditional employer-sponsored retirement plan. 

Retirement planning is an important part of life, especially in Malaysia. Everyone wants to be sure they have enough money set aside when the time comes to hang up their working boots and call it a day. But with so many options out there, how do you know what’s right for you?

In Malaysia, there are two main types of retirement plans that can help you save for the future. The first is called the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). This is managed by the government and gives employees and employers a contribution rate based on monthly wages. With EPF, you can withdraw from your account after age 55 or use it as collateral for loan applications.

The second type of retirement plan is known as a Private Retirement Scheme (PRS). It offers flexible investment opportunities such as stocks and bonds, which can provide higher returns than other forms of savings but also carries more risk. You can choose between different funds and make contributions depending on your preferences and financial situation. PRS does not allow early withdrawals unless under certain circumstances.

No matter which option you choose, proper retirement planning is essential to ensuring that you're financially secure in your golden years. Start setting aside money now, whether it's through one of these schemes or just good old-fashioned saving. 

Do your research, talk to experts and make sure you understand all the terms and conditions before committing to anything. And most importantly - take the time to enjoy your hard-earned retirement.

Tax Planning 

Tax planning is essential to any financial plan since taxes will likely constitute one of your most significant business expenses throughout the year.  Different forms of income may be taxed differently.

As a freelancer, you can register your business as either a sole proprietorship or limited liability company (Sdn Bhd). Based on your registration status, different tax regulations will apply to you and your business. 

It’s important for you to stay up-to-date on any changes to the law that could affect their company. You or your business may qualify for certain deductions or credits depending on the size of your entity and the industry you operate in. This includes exemptions related to education costs and even some medical expenses. By researching these deductions, you can find ways to save money throughout the year. It is advisable to research any potential deductions or credits before filing taxes.

There are plenty of resources available to help you to plan your taxes in Malaysia. The Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) website provides information on filing taxes as well as other helpful tips and guidelines. If you require additional assistance, you may want to consider seeking out the services of a qualified accountant or other financial professional.

 With careful consideration, you can ensure you are paying the correct amount of taxes and taking full advantage of any available deductions or credits. Taking the time to explore options and seek expert advice can help make the process easier and more efficient.


In conclusion, a financial plan is essential for freelancers to ensure they can meet their financial goals and protect their assets and income. The six components of a financial plan include tracking income and expenses, budgeting, saving and investing, insurance, and retirement planning. 

By understanding and implementing these components, freelancers can create a secure financial future. It's essential to start planning as soon as possible. Don't wait; start today and take control of your finances.

In the future work program, you will learn the six components of financial plans freelancers need to know, and how to build effective client relationships and grow your brand in today's digital world, you will also know what to avoid as a freelancer, so you do not get burnt and also trapped without a concrete financial plan for your freelance business.

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